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Update Log

Database operations


  1. Product Verification Request   (260 visits to this link)

    You can request a verification for a specific product, which may affect the product's Untitled-1.png.

  2. Product's Trust Score Update Request   (197 visits to this link)

    You can request a forced update of the Untitled-1.png for any listed product.

  3. Suggestion   (396 visits to this link)

    Request to add a new cheat provider to the database.

  4. Suggestion (Providers)   (352 visits to this link)

    Request to add a new cheat provider to the database.
    Create this application only if you are a representative of project (e.g. cheats/hacks project staff).

  5. Incorrect & Missing information Update Request   (612 visits to this link)

    Request to update incorrect or missing information in the database.

  6. Scam Report   (376 visits to this link)

    Report a fraudulent provider.

About Us

CheatsDB.ORG is a platform to share user experience about online gaming prohibited software. We collect publicly & privately available software data and gather the information in the cheat database, to help our users find the product or service they are looking for.




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