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What Trust Score levels are in place?

Exact value of the Trust Score will be shown in the database, but the product page will only show the level under which the product falls.

Requirements for obtaining a specific level and the penalties or benefits received:

Level Score Range Penalties or Benefits Additional Information
Neutral (unset) from 0 to 0 none product has not yet been evaluated
Very low from 1 to 19 none none
Low from 20 to 39 none none
Medium from 40 to 59 none none
High from 60 to 79 none none
Very high from 80 to 95 none none
Superior from 96 to 100 featured (in PDI only) if you see a product with this level, we would highly recommend you give it a try


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CheatsDB.ORG is a platform to share user experience about online gaming prohibited software. We collect publicly & privately available software data and gather the information in the cheat database, to help our users find the product or service they are looking for.




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