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LabCore Rust Cheat

No information.



Release date:	   04/2024		Operating system: Windows 10 & Windows 11
Last downtime:	   no data		Chipset:	  Both
Last detection:	   unknown		Application:	  Internal
Detection counter: 0			Streamproof:	  ❌
Detection rate:	   unknown		Limited slots:	  ❌
Trust Score:   	   unset		Private:	  ❌

Latest Trust Score update date: 08/2024


Website: https://labcorehub.com/
Sales thread: EPVP/LabCore
Reseller website: none
Reseller sales thread: none
Price: 8$/Day - 40$/Week - 80$/Month - 160$/3 Months
Accepted payments: Bank Cards.





📸 Screenshots

CDB_Rust_LabCore - frame at 29m6s.jpg

CDB_Rust_LabCore - frame at 27m16s.jpg

CDB_Rust_LabCore - frame at 1m32s.jpg







For anyone reading this, this cheat fucking sucks. Probably one of the worst rust cheats I have ever seen. 3/4 of the features literally just do not work. There are also multiple features that will just crash your game or lag out the menu upon using them. It's miraculous to me that they are selling this for $160 a month when they clearly have not tested anything at all. Here are some examples of the bugs I encountered: 

- aimbot completely stopped working

- players randomly turning into friends on the cheat (esp will not draw on them unless toggled, and aimbot will not target them) 

- turning on their debug camera features lags out the menu and crashes me 

- rapidfire doesn't toggle off correctly 

- toggling glass hit instantly crashes you 

- force burst fire doesnt toggle off at all when you untick it 

- hit chance doesn't work at all 

- hitbox override does not work at all

- zoom completely stops working 

- bullet tracers completely stop working 

- aimbot randomly shooting at the ground

- only invalids on every exploit in the cheat, including the psilent aimbot (lol) 

- i dont even think hitbox selection works correctly

- keybinds still show up even with the box toggled off (lol)

and much more. There areway too many things broken for me to even document it here. This hack feels like a bunch of pasted UC features slapped together into a hack. TL;DR. Don't buy this cheat. 

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  • CEO
5 hours ago, ryan said:

$160 a month

I have updated the prices as they were listed incorrectly. LabCore works with PlanB, and the problems that were found in PlanB a few months ago have recently been found in LabCore as well, so I am inclined to believe that this review is completely accurate.
Thank you for sharing your opinion!

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